Jane's Blog

An Everyday Story of Country Folk!

How to Do Backwoods Cooking - Indoors

Apple sandwiches can be cooked in the oven, the Brownies have proved it. In fact they were rather less burnt than those cooked in the embers of a campfire. The atmosphere isn't the same, but you don't get wet. Yes, the planned vist to the Scout Camp site for Brownies and Guides fell victim to the weather last night. After steady soaking rain all day we decided it was going to be just too wet to light fires otudoors and reverted to a hastily cobbled together plan B in our meeting hall. The Guides got the kitchen to make (and devour) some excellent frying pan pizzas; the Brownies assembled their sandwiches in the hall and played games until they were cooked. There were no leftovers.

We all came together at the end and the Guides decided to make their Guide Promise en masse. What an evening! (And I still have the biscuits and mallows to make Smores at the end of term picnic)

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